
A crossword board game AI, written in Go

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What does Macondo mean?

Most Crossword games utils out there are named after a word in the dictionary, such as Zyzzyva, Quackle, ULU, and my own Aerolith.

But Macondo is the name of the fictional town in one of my favorite novels, Cien Años De Soledad by Gabriel García Márquez (One Hundred Years of Solitude). In this magical realism novel, weird things exist like flying carpets, people turn into trees, the whole town goes without sleep for months, it rains for years on end, there are ghosts, and more. Jesse once made the parallel to tournament Crossword games in North America in that there are many surreal occurrences there too. For example, eating at a place called “Shigs in Pit” in the middle of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Yes, Fort Wayne, Indiana.